- MySQL 預設儲存引擎: InnoDB (新) 和 MyISAM (舊) 特性上差異,新版 (MySQL > 5.5) 的 InnoDB 用到比較多的記憶體空間
- 新版的 CMS 內容比過去更大,安裝上也需要比較久的時間
- MySQL 和 PHP 的原始設定無法配合以上兩點,就造成系統誤認是當機
//----- 修正步驟開始 -----
Xampp should be set to run as Administrator.
MySQL should be set to run as 'Service' by clicking the ☒ next to it so it becomes a ☑
MySQL should be set to run as 'Service' by clicking the ☒ next to it so it becomes a ☑
In the php.ini file change
- max_execution_time=30 to max_execution_time=300
and - upload_max_filesize=2M to upload_max_filesize=12M
- post_max_size=8M to post_max_size=12M
Then in the my.ini
- innodb_buffer_pool_size = 16M to innodb_buffer_pool_size = 32M
- innodb_log_file_size = 5M to innodb_log_file_size = 8M
- Uncomment
* 使用的軟體以及版本 :
- OS - Windows 10
- XAMPP - Version 5.6.21
- PHP - Version 5.6.21
- Apache - 2.4.17 (Win32)
- MariaDB - 10.1.13
* 參考資料 :
- Installing Joomla (or Wordpress) on localhost problems with Xampp, Wamp, Mamp and Uniform Server
- MySQL 中,MyISAM 與 InnoDB 帶來的差異...